1998 – 2000
Project Concept
Growing along the roadsides and pathways leading down to the ocean are a great variety of weeds and wildflowers. Multiflora Rose, Virginia Creeper, Autumn Olive and many others exist in a quiet, intimate, jewel-like world of their own. They provide contrast and much-needed relief from the vast emptiness of the sea, the sky, and the rocky coastline. They are small and delicate and when closely observed, can be more seductive than the greater world around them. Photographed with an 8x10 view camera a series of 100 30 x 36-inch prints were made, a medium format camera was used to produce a series of 200 smaller prints.
Weeds at Janet Borden Gallery, 2002. © Jean Vong
Purchased Beavertail farmhouse in Jamestown, RI.
Continued photographing seascapes.
Photographed roadside weeds with 6x7 cm and 8x10 view camera.
Printed images with Jaques Charlas, (Black and White on White), made handmade books, two volumes with 100 images each.
Exhibited Weeds at Janet Borden Gallery with 100 – 23 x 29 inch gelatin silver prints and with catalogue.
Exhibited Weeds at The Confederation Centre for the Arts, Prince Edward Island, Canada as part of “Badlands: Ray Mortenson, Jaclyn Shoub and Susan Dobson.” Curated by Shauna McCabe.
6x7 cm Mamiya 7 and 8x10 Phillips field camera
80mm Mamiya, 10¾, and 12-inch Goerz Dagor
Kodak Tri-X and Illford HP5 at ASA 100
D 23, HC 110 and PMK Pyro
Silver gelatin: Kodak Polyfiber and Ilford Warmtone
Xerox: archival uncoated paper